Teen Titans Goes! #1 is a new go-around that brings the longest running DC animation series into the comic book form. Sholly Fisch returned as a writer and wrote another teenage Titan! A series from 10 years ago. He didn’t skip the beat and captured the overall vibe of the show on the tee. Each character talks exactly how they expect from the show, from avoiding Starfire’s use of contractions to using Beast Boy’s slang. Dario Brizuela combines with the artist to capture the show’s appearance one-on-one. He also has room to play many rooms here as the cartoon plot shoots art styles in various locations and donates to iconic artists in comic history, from George Perez to Dave Gibbons.
The story begins at the DC office, and the team is said to have their comic book cancelled. This feels like a playful jab not only does the Teen Titans go! But the team as a whole is underrated after a big push during a dark crisis event. The team is relegated to Titans Tower, where they are disappointed that the masses (comic book readers) do not want them. Robin then gets the idea that they will continue to reinvent themselves until they are related to the desires of the people.
This is the beginning of the fun. The comics look like the way George Perez first pulled Titan back in the 60s. Then we move on to the Robert Kirkman-esque black and white visuals. If you’re interested in this kind of comedy, there are other winks and nods that I recommend checking out yourself.
To be honest, I’m a sucker for all meta. The fourth wall break and self-aware comic gives way to some of the clever and entertaining moments in the medium. And this first issue of Teen Titans Go! It’s no exception. This comic will be a creative outlet for these DC characters to criticize the habits of their home company. Everything is delivered through resourceful jokes, just like you would comment on Batman-related media overload. It also includes Wonder Woman, particularly other heroes who have a surprising on-point characterization.
This may be a fresh series of all ages full of humor and wit, but you need to see if you can keep the quality consistent.
Teen Titans Goes! #1 feels like he’s at home as one of the better episodes of the anime series. If you like the show, this is for you. If you’ve never seen it, this is the perfect barometer to find out if you should. But if you don’t like the show, this probably won’t beat you.
‘Teen Titans Goes! #1 is the perfect translation from screen to page
Teen Titans Go #1
Teen Titans Go #1 feels like he’s at home as one of the better episodes of the animated series. If you like the show, this is for you. If you’ve never seen it, this is the perfect barometer to find out if you should. But if you don’t like the show, this probably won’t beat you.
Interesting for both kids and adults
Includes multiple art styles
Has the best strengths of the show
If you didn’t care about the show, this won’t change your opinion significantly