Image Comic has announced Monkey Meat: The Summer Batch, a five-issue series that will be released on March 5th. Written and illustrated by Juni Ba, this anthology visits Monkey Meat Island, where the eccentric experiments and artifacts of the infamous Monkey Meat Company are wreaking havoc on the local magical fauna.
The first series was launched in January 2022.
“I needed this! Monkey Meat is a place where I have fun, shed corporate expectations and rules, and come up with comics that are cartoony, experimental, and infectious. They’re just as fun to read as they are to draw.” That’s great,” Ba said. “This is the manga I get the most requests to keep drawing, so I’m happy to oblige. This new batch has a more underground feel. The floor of a Senegalese meat restaurant is dusty and rippled. Like the manga you find typing. Dig it!
Check out the preview below.
PORTLAND, Ore., December 17, 2024—Award-winning cartoonist Juni Ba (The Boy Wonder, Jeriya) returns to the dark fantasy anthology series Monkey Meat for issue five. A new arc in the structure brings in more humor and horror. Summer batch. Each issue is formatted like a summer magazine, offering two stories, two games, and twice as much trauma… Eh, excitement! Now, in March we’re back with the devilishly fun Monkey Meat: The Summer Batch ”, fans will be able to nibble on even more bite-sized mystery meat stories.
With special permission from the Monkey Meat Company, the delicious, critically acclaimed anthology written and illustrated by Ba is back with a refill! Monkey Meat: The First Batch ”, the reader visited Monkey Meat Island. There, the eccentric experiments and artifacts of the infamous Monkey Meat Company are wreaking havoc on the local magical fauna. What was once a lush, magical island is now a hyper-capitalist hellscape where even the devil has to pay the rent. Now, in Monkey Meat: The Summer Batch, readers are invited to a vacation on Monkey Meat Island and are promised a fun gonzo escape. What could be more refreshing than a vacation to a hellish West African fantasy island run by a company with questionable intentions? An all-new experience that will entertain (and traumatize) the whole family Embark on an adventure! Exotic locations, a debt-collecting forest witch, and a superhero ape suing the corporation that owns him. All this awaits you.
“I needed this! Monkey Meat is a place where I have fun, shed corporate expectations and rules, and come up with comics that are cartoony, experimental, and infectious. They’re just as fun to read as they are to draw.” That’s great,” Ba said. “This is the manga I get the most requests to keep drawing, so I’m happy to oblige. This new batch has a more underground vibe. The floor of a Senegalese meat restaurant is dusty and rippled. Like the manga you find typing. Dig it!
Monkey Meat: The Summer Batch #1, featuring a cover by Ba, will be available in comic book shops on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Monkey Meat: The Summer Batch will also be available on many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle and Apple Books. , Google Play.
“Monkey Meat: The First Batch,” a collection of Monkey Meat #1-5, is available at comic book shops, independent bookstores (ISBN: 9781534323230), Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indigo, and Waterstones. and across many digital platforms.