Image credit: Jorin Evers, featured on
Set in a dark fantasy world where monsters seem very real and very prevalent, The Hunt includes two stories, Midnight Massacre and Red Night, as well as a story set in the future. Contains an epilogue.
In Midnight Massacre, an innkeeper and his bartender are terrorized by the all-too-human yet monstrous townspeople, and help arrives from an unexpected source.
Red Night focuses on a vampire and her attempts to escape from the clutches of a ruthless hunter.
Both stories are action-packed and fast-paced, and despite having minimal exposition, are told with great visual flair and an impressive amount of world-building and characterization. It doesn’t take long to be drawn into the world of a monster-infested story that combines familiar creatures like vampires and werewolves with a unique twist.
One thing I really appreciated was the sympathetic treatment of the monsters themselves, despite their ferocious and animalistic nature. I tend to find myself on the side of the oppressed and hunted creatures in many creature features and classic horror stories. It seems to me that The Hunt creator Jolyn Evers (who, very impressively, is solely responsible for putting together the comic) also shares this perspective. Because his monsters are not just mindless, evil beasts.
My only complaint is that The Hunt doesn’t have any books to read yet. I am rapidly becoming fascinated with this world and its people and can’t wait to explore it further.
The Hunt is currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. You can check it out and pledge to buy your own comic through this link.
Hello! I’m Jason. I write articles for every day. Wouldn’t it be terrible if you were reading this article on a completely unrelated website like Kickstarter Comic and they were claiming my work as their own? What kind of idiot would do that? would you do that?
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