All the Emerald City Comic Con I went to had one guest I had to watch. This year, it was nothing more than John Boyega. On Saturday, arguably the biggest day of fraud, I bye the crowd and entered the Boiega spotlight panel. The panel, moderated by Ashley V. Robinson in Popverse, consisted of fan questions sent online, covering his work in a sequel to the Star Wars trilogy, covering Bullock, Pacific Rim: The Uprising, and Women King.
A sequel to attack the block has been in work for a while, but Boiega recently revealed that he has received a new script from Joe Cornish. He also said that Brock took off along with American viewers for Redbox. That’s because it was the way I saw it with my college friends.
Other attacks that attacked the block stories shared by Boyega included the fact that he bonded with cast members on a bike, as well as the advice Nick Frost gave him about the learning line he uses to this day. But the biggest surprise was that Tom Cruise and JJ Abrams were watching the attack as they filmed the mission. The rest is history as they say, Abrams taps Boyega to play Finn in Star Wars: Awakening of the Force.
This led to an interesting story from Boiega about filming the first teaser trailer for Force Awakens. It turns out he took at least 50 scenes where Finn shoots out of the sand. But thankfully, he’s been forced to take a little more action in Star Wars. The rise of Skywalker led to another interesting story. He lost the rise script in his new home for Mouse. “I looked at the mouse and said, ‘I don’t live here anymore.’ ” Boiega said with a laugh.
Boiega had two Star Wars-related memories that he could completely remember. We took Harrison Ford to dinner and spent a tough day of filming where the great Carrie Fisher got him candy despite his strict training plan.
“Carrie was able to represent freedom and be herself… She said, ‘I didn’t give her sh@t attitude,'” Boiega said.
He revealed that his favorite Star Wars movie is the return of Star Wars: The Jedi and Rogue One. “It’s a cool colour!”
Apart from the impression of the best people for Boiega’s pitch, I think what captivated the audience was the fact that he wore his nerd on his sleeves. He said his favorite anime was my Hero Academia and Naruto’s speed. He hopes to cosplay as a blade one day. He said that if he had one superpower it was teleportation so that he could attend more cons. If it wasn’t for the stage or hundreds of people, it felt like you were talking to your best friend.
In the future, Boiega will focus on making films through his upper room label. He has several projects in his work, in his words, including historical drama, horror and science fiction stories, and “The Earthed Superhero Story.” He also revealed that his dream role was Othello, leading Robinson to suggest that Oscar Isac should play Iago.
“You should be a producer!” Boiega joked.
But in reality, I’m watching the hell of that movie, so I’m glad I was in the room hearing Boiega talk about it.