ZHENG HE treasure trove
Designer: Hinai Hi Publisher: Harvest Valley Player: 2-5 Age: 14+ Time: 90-120 minutes
Publisher has played a prototype copy
The treasure trove of ZHENG is a fun immersive strategic game for 2-5 players set for Sea at an Sea designed by Japanese game designer Hisashi Hayashi. Players compete far away from China to Africa, improving Zheng, which has influenced the entire land. As a ZHENG officer, he is a fleet fleet, you are in charge of journey, improve your diplomacy with other countries, visit high -ranking officials in court, seek their favors, and are rare items and exotic animals. Zheng He aims to take home and respect many monuments.
This preview is based on the early preview version of the game. This is because the terms, names, and part of the game of playing Japanese games may be updated before the final version.
Game play:
The treasure trove of ZHENG HE will be held over 7 rounds, which represent seven voyage taken by your fleet. Players need to use action effectively to gain victory points and reputation during the trip. The game will be played beyond three main gameboards, the main game board used for the navigation of the sea, a high -ranking board of a high -ranking government with nine -ranked state officers for the emperor. The more they sit on the board, the closer they approach the emperor. The third committee is a plan to track the round, and is an important step in determining player initiatives on the voyage. In addition, each player has a unique player board that allows the collection animals, and the resources were gathered.
After the start player is determined, each player gets a different amount of resources based on the turn order.
There are 7 rounds. Each round has four phases.
At the highest official stage, the player chooses the officials to visit one of the officials one by one and provide rare items in return for some kind of support. Officers have 9 ranks. The lowest ranking official does not require a gift, but the higher the command you go, the more rare items such as the Whale Amberglylis are brought back.
In the planning stage, the highest rank staff and the farthest visit to the left will first go, then higher. The players choose which confrontation voyage card, lead and select “Captain”. The sailing card on the left is the first and closest leg to China, and the right card is the last. Being on the last foot means that you are more likely to find animals and rare resources approaching Africa. Planning phases are usually very quick because they can only use 3 to 4 navigation cards.
The next stage is the sailing stage, and the active player, the leg, “Captain”, starts with the left end of the card. Each card will be published and will be solved one by one. This is the main phase where action is performed on the main board map.
We will reveal the player’s voyage card. Take the number of ships shown in the card on the map and look one in the next available space. If there is a fork on the map, the active player “Captain” is selected. During this time, the massive events listed on the navigation cards are currently occurring. Otherwise, an event at one of the ship stops occurs or a calm sea. For “Captain”, a lead ship token is placed in the space you want to use.
“Captain” performs all actions first, but in the treasure trove of ZHENG, all other players can perform actions in the same turn. They cannot choose a lead ship space. You need to choose one of the small ships. If they have an unusual emperor order order, they can spend it and overwrite the rules and use the lead ship space.
If there is a pirate in space, the player must first defeat the pirates by matching the military power first. When a pirate loses, the player goes up to the trajectory of the army, gets a reward and lands. If they decide not to fight, the player’s turn will end.
The map space indicates which action the symbol can do.
Resource space: Players receive resources, gold and weapon merchant space. The player trades with the merchant. Great Nation Space: Players level up diplomacy by sending 1-2 diplomats to the country. If they reach the highest diplomatic level at the end of the game, they will receive the victory points of their own diplomat. Every time they level up, they will get rewards at that level and below. Animal space: Players can receive animals and place them on player boards. Cover as much space as possible to cover the largest rectangular space. As soon as you cover the space on the board with the icon, you will receive the item.
After that, the player can build a monument by paying the cost. The monument is powerful! If the player can repeat the same action, and if it is already built next to another space where the monument has already been built, the action of that space will be active. For example, if you land in the GREAT NATION space, you can raise your diplomatic level to 1 and receive those rewards. Next, build a monument by paying the required amount. Next, raise the diplomatic level to 2 and get rewards at level 2 and level 1. If you already have one of the monuments in the left or right space, the space will be active.
When “Captain” is completed, all other players can also select the actions to be obtained. Everyone can take action on an active player turn.
Proceed to the next voyage card, solve it, and continue until all sail cards in that round are completed. After the cleanup phase, the round starts again.
At the end of the 7th round, seven voyage was completed. The game ends with the last trip to a senior official. In order, players can use one of the high official spaces. If the player is lucky, you may choose the emperor’s space that requires two rare resources to get 30VP or more.
During the scoring, the player combines the current victory point in the victory point track. This is the best victory point that has reached the military reputation truck. Victory refers to the point in the space you visited a senior official. In the case of animals, each covered space is worth 1VP, and the largest rectangular area has a bonus 1VP space, respectively. The constructed monuments have 1VP, respectively, with a 1VP value for each of the two trade goods tokens, worth 1VP for each of the three coins. And the player with the best victory points wins!
‘Zheng’s treasure trove has been engaged through the game all the time. Some phases have influenced the first phase to get the initiative. Decide whether to visit the best officials and get the first pick in the planning stage, but it costs more expensive rare items or not much, so you can save resources. You can. The subsequent movement was really interesting. I stopped breathing at the sailing stage and was trying to predict what the “captain” of the feet would do. All actions were very fun. I realized that I was using all actions, such as trading, fighting pirates, gathering products, building diplomacy, and racing to grab animals. At the end of the game, it was exciting to count points and see who won.
I played a prototype game in December 2024, but as a whole, I tried it in 2024 it was my fun new game. Even if I write this review, I really want to play the game again. I can’t wait to get the final version and bring it to the game day.
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